
// KIKO Review | "Wearing Black lipstick doesn't mean you can't smile"

Hey hey hey, loves.

Wow, this is the 3rd post in 5 days, damn I'm on a roll haha
I know there are people who literally post once a day but I can't do that since even I have some kind of a life offline (unbelievable, i know) :D

Anyway, it's Sunday and I've been revising for a biology exam the whole day and I thought that another blogpost would be nice.
And as I mentioned previously in the Day off in Berlin - post I was planning a review on my new KIKO lipsticks. That's what this post will be about (who would've guessed *looks at title*)

These beauties were 6,90€ each which isn't that expensive and they're really worth the money.

The black one is the Luscious Cream Lipstick 523 Black which means it's creamy but not sticky at all and it has a mild shimmery effect. I'm not a fan of shimmer lipstick but this one doesn't sparkle or something it just looks... I don't know... wet? All in all, I'm really in love with this one.
And I've got to add that I think they're richly pigmented eventhough it doesn't look like that in the pictures but that's my fault because I put on too much lipbalm as a base haha I'm sorry

The other one is the Velvet Mat Lipstick 609 Cherry Red. It's not as creamy as the black one and it doesn't shimmer at all which makes this lipstick the best I ever had. It's also a dark red and I love dark lipsticks so much like HOLY PUG! C'mon, matt lipstick is the best thing that has ever been invented. I'm so in love haha

I'm sorry for the different lightings but it just changes so fast at this time of the year.
Ugh well, what's your favourite lipstick colour and brand?


// Pinkbox December or: Are you serious?

Hello my lovely readers,

November is finally over (finally as in "finally it's over, I hate November") which means December is really young now and which also means: a new Pinkbox. New, awesome beauty products!!! Or nah.
Yea, if you look close, you can see I'm not really satisified with the latest Box. But why?
You'll see.

Hallo meine Lieben,
endlich ist der trübe und (meiner Meinung nach eklige) November vorüber, was für mich im noch jungen Dezember eine neue Pinkbox bedeutet. Endlich neue, mega tolle Produkte!!! Oder auch nicht. Jap, wer gut aufgepasst hat, hat gesehen dass mich die Box vom Inhalt nicht mega vom Hocker gehauen hat. Warum? Das sag ich euch im Folgenden :)

First of all, we should talk about the beautiful design of this month's box. Of course it's a pink box (who would've guessed) but with a silver and christmassy imprint on the lid.
Sadly, for me that's the best thing about the whole box *sighs*

Lasst uns zuallererst mal über das schöne Design der diesmonatigen Box reden. Natürlich ist sie pink (wer hätte das gedacht) aber hat dieses Mal einen wunderschönen weihnachtlich-silbernen Aufdruck auf dem Deckel.
Traurigerweise ist das aber auch das Beste an der ganzen Box :/

The first product I want to talk about is a Dead Sea body scrub. It's an original size product (all the other things were original sizes as well) from Dermasel Spa. Dead Sea products are always on top of my drugstore-lists as they really help me with my skin as it's not the best so I'm looking forward to using this one. But I still have my Soap & Glory Body Scrub which isn't even halfway empty so yea. | 1,99€/38ml

Das erste Produkt, welches ich euch vorstellen möchte, ist ein Totes Meer Bodypeeling von Dermasel Spa. Genau wie die anderen Produkte war auch dieses eine Originalgröße. Da meine Haut nicht die Beste ist, benutze ich sehr gern "Totes Meer"-Produkte (z.B. die Totes Meer Masken von Schaebens) und ich bin gespannt wie dieses Peeling ist. Aber erst muss ich mein Bodypeeling von Soap & Glory aufbrauchen, was noch nichtmal halbleer ist. | 1,99€/38ml

This product made me laugh and I don't even know why. It's the essence "Lash Princess" mascara. Let's talk about the positive things first: The packaging is super cute and the brush looks like it could really help with volumizing your lashes.
But I'm not really confident of essence products in general. I have no idea why but I prefer spending more money on proper makeup products than on cheap things. Fluid essence makeup always made me look orange and their mascaras seemed to generally leave traces on my upper eye lids that's why I stopped using essence in my teenage years and I haven't used their products for about 5-6 years now.
I will try this one anyway. Mainly because I need a new mascara but also because I think that they maybe changed the quality of their products. | 3,29€/12ml

Ich weiß nicht warum, aber als ich dieses Produkt in der Hand hatte, musste ich lachen. Es handelt sich um den "Lash Princess" Mascara von essence.
Vielleicht sollten wir uns zuerst mal auf die positiven Dinge konzentrieren: Die Verpackung ist total niedlich und das Wimpernbürstchen macht auf mich den Eindruck, dass es das Versprechen des Kreierens eines "umwerfenden Volumens" hält. Wir werden sehen. Ich werde es auf alle Fälle testen, da ich eh einen neuen Mascara benötige, auch wenn ich mir diesen hier nie selbst gekauft hätte, da ich von essence eigentlich überhaupt nicht überzeugt bin. Ich gehöre zu den Menschen, die lieber etwas mehr für gute Produkte als wenig für Trash ausgeben. Und essence Produkte wie flüssiges Makeup haben mich immer orange wirken lassen und Teile der Wimperntusche haben immer an meinem oberen Augenlid gehangen. Naja, ich werde es ausprobieren. Vielleicht ist die Qualität der essence Proukte besser geworden. Immerhin hab ich davon seit 5-6 Jahren nichts mehr benutzt, also bin ich gespannt | 3,29€/12ml

What pisses me off about this "Love Me Green - Regenerating Night Face Cream" is its size. It's small. Super small. Ugh I don't even know what to say about this. I reckon that this will last for one week. Let's just hope it's worth the money it would cost when you buy it at a  store. But that's the thing about organic products, they demand to be paid.
And I kinda like the logo of this company. | 5,99€/15ml

Was mich an der "Love Me Green - Regenerating Night Face Cream" wirklich aufregt, ist die Größe. jaja auf die Größe kommt's nicht an, aber irgendwie stört es mich, dass in der Dezemberbox wirklich kleine Originalgrößen sind. Hm. Ich vermute, dass das kleine Tübchen eine Woche lang halten wird. Jetzt hoffen wir mal, dass es das Geld wert wäre, wenn man sie im Laden kauft. | 5,99/15ml

Yea well, one sentence: A face mask will always make me happy. | 2,95€/2x 5ml

Nur ein Satz dazu: Mit einer Gesichtsmaske trifft man bei mir immer ins Schwarze. | 2,95/2x 5ml

Yay, eyeshadow. This must be the tiniest palette I ever had and yes, I am a fan of nude eyeshadows but this is just a bad joke somehow... I mean... C'mon... It's Christmas... I can't even apply this with my Real Techniques because it's too tiny... | 4,99€

Entschuldigung, aber das ist doch ein Witz... Diese Lidschattenpalette ist so mini. Ich mein, ich dachte ich sei klein, aber dann kam das. Ich kann nicht mal mit meinen Real Technique Brushes arbeiten um ihn aufzutragen... ugh... | 4,99€



I have no clue how often I said this in only one post: Is this a joke? A really bad joke? In the last pink box related post I had something like this and said "I can't and won't use this" and now they gave me "L'Oreal Paris Studio Line #TXT Dandy" which is just like the other product only for straight hair this time. Wanna hear something funny? The girls at Pinkbox try to justify this by saying you can use it with long hair as well. Yea well, maybe you can (Sleek look) but let's be honest: Who wants to go out with a hairstyle that looks like your hair is greasy as pug? (Yes pug because no swearwords) I mean, if you get your hair styled like that because you're a model at the Paris fashion week, ok go on, that's fine but as long as you're a normal human being, you can't have that hairstyle and look good at the same time. No. No. No. | 4,99€/75ml

Ja, es muss ein wirklich schlechter Witz sein. Im letzten Pinkbox Post hatte ich ein ähnliches Produkt und sagte: Ich kann es nicht nutzen. Und so ging es auch einer Menge anderer Mädchen, so wie ich es mitbekommn hab. Und jetzt mach ich die neue Box auf und habe #TXT Dandy drin. Diesmal also nicht für wellige sondern glatte Styles. Und die Mädels bei Pinkbox versuchen sich damit zu rechtfertigen, dass man das auch mit langen Haaren nutzen kann. Ja mag sein, denn es gibt den sogenannten Sleek Look, aber sein wir mal ehrlich: Wer möchte mit ner Frisur rausgehen, die aussieht, als wären die Haare fettig. Ich meine, bist du Model auf der Fashion Week in Paris und dir werden die Haare so gestylt, alles gut. Aber als Normalsterblicher kann man nicht solch eine Frisur haben und zur gleichen Zeit auch noch gut aussehen. Nein. Einfach nein. | 4,99€/75ml

I know the whole post looks like a huge rant but I just had to be honest. It's December, Christmas is so close and I thought this pinkbox will be something special and I think it's just disappointing this time... Let's hope the next box will be better.

Ich weiß, der gesamte Post schaut aus wie eine einzige Beschwerde, aber ich musste halt die Wahrheit sagen. Es ist Dezember und Weihnachten ist nah, da ist es doch klar, dass man höhere Erwartungen als sonst hat und ich fand diese Box halt einfach enttäuschend. Ich hoffe, dass die Januarbox besser wird...


// Day off in Berlin

Hello lovely people ♥
First of all, I wish you guys all the best for your last chapter of 2014 and I hope it won't suck as much as the last months did haha

Anyway, December kicked off pretty decent for all students of my school (and as far as I'm concerned for all the other students in town) because December 1st was a day off and how do you celebrate these days when you just got money?

With shopping, yea. And that's pretty much what I did on Monday. During the "early hours" it was the most stressful Monday I had in a while because when I checked my bank account, I didn't have enough money and so I called my dad because he's the one who transfers my money every month and after like 1 hour he found out he accidentally transferred it to a wrong bank account and my mother had to lend me some (THANKS MUM!).
After that, I met up with a friend and we took the next train to Berlin.

When we got there, the first shop I had to go to was Lush. And I have to admit that I've been there before for only one time (and I was lurking in front of the one at Westfield's but I didn't get inside because I was afraid I'd spend too much money so it doesn't count) but this time I had to buy something I had seen in their catalogue: a bathbomb called "Granny Takes A Dip" and the casual bubblegum lip scrub I wanted to try so so bad (it tastes quite awesome, tbh). In the end, I paid about 14€ for these things and I think they're worth it as I don't go to Lush very often *cough* 2x in like 5 years *cough*

Then we went to the Mall Of Berlin because my friend who's really tall needed a new pair of jeans and she said there was a store that had jeans that would fit her.
Oh. My. God. Guys, the Mall Of Berlin has got to be sent from heaven. There's a MAC makeup store, Gina Tricot and a cute café which I unfortunately didn't get to check out but I will when I'm back in Berlin (maybe even next week bc fieldtrip YAY) and so many other stores. So many things, so little money, ya feel :(

Anyway, everything was so christmassy (is this even a word) and I L O V E D it! I haven't been that excited for Christmas for years but this year it's different and I wish I could spend my money on decorations but nah, I had to buy christmas presents for my family and friends (watch out for the next post) because I'm just a cool human being (no really!).

But of course, not everything I bought is meant to be a present. It's more like there are some things, that are presents for myself. From me. Yay hashtag no friends.

I think we should start with what's inside that beautiful pink Lush bag. It's, as I said previously, a lip scrub and the "Granny Takes A Dip" bathbomb. Can't say anything about these things because I haven't tried them (except for the lip scrub and it tastes so gooooood and it really helps! Soft lips are such a huge yay) but I'll write a review in the near future. I also got a special size of the "Rehab"-Shampoo for free and I can't wait for testing this as well.

Onto the next one. The next things I bought basically prove how white I am. Yea, I'm talking 'bout Starbucks. I'm not a coffee-person unless it contains cocoa in or loads of sugar (which I don't like either) that's why I always end up getting a chocolate Moccha and this time, I bought a bag of Starbucks house blend coffee (it's with COCOA!) and a Christmas Starbucks Tumbler... and the casual chocolate moccha just because I can and I was freezing my b*tt off.

And yea, somewhen that day, I ended up at Primark. I hate Primark unless it's the one in Oxford but this was the one in Berlin and it was just way too crowded but nevertheless I bought PJ leggins and holiday lights. I couldn't resist buying these two things because they were too cute

Almost done now!
I bought a simple choker at Gina Tricot (yea so grunge... I used to wear them in kindergarten back in the 90s hahaha) and two f*ckin awesome lipsticks at KIKO!
I finally got a black lipstick and it's perfect. I bought a dark purple MAC lipstick some time ago and I've been looking for a black one for such a long while and I'm so happy I finally found one that wasn't even expensive and is an awesome quality.

Sorry for my weird hand and the nailpolish sucked a lot *sigh*
I'll probably dedicate a whole post to those lipsticks just because they're totally worth it haha

Last but not least, I'd like to tell you about my fave product I purchased on Monday,
It's the Batiste dry shampoo and if you're from the UK, you probably know it and tried it before. Everytime I've been to London I wanted to get one but I always forgot about it even when I was at Boots or Superdrug and it was more of an accident that I found it at a German beauty shop. It was 4€ and I dunno how much they are in the UK but I thought it'd be a reasonable price and took it with me. I tried it today and I've got to admit it's the best dry shampoo I ever had. The ones I used before always made my hair look white and this one doesn't (or I just didn't see it because my hair is a bit lighter now haha) but I'd still recommend it to you guys :)

That's it.
I've planned some Christmas posts for the next days/weeks so you better stay tuned haha :)


// The wait is over: The Hunger Games Mockingjay Part 1

Heyho lovely peeps,

I'm so sorry for not being active lately I just didn't have the time for blogging as my teachers think that four weeks before Christmas is a perfect time for exams.
Well, guess what?
For the first time in forever, I thought revising would be a good idea as my A-Level examinations are  only 1 1/2 years from now and to you it might sound like a long time but it seriously isn't.
Anyway, as I wrote my first exam on Thursday whis is the day new movies hit cinemas as well, I asked a friend of mine if she wanted to come and watch Mockingjay with me.

Oh Lord, how long I've been waiting for this day to come. A year full of learning the first two movies by heart, re-reading all the books again and again and now, the release of Mockingjay Pt. 1 was so so close. And of course I had to watch it on the first day.

This post will be very short as I don't know who already watched it and who will in the near future and I don't wanna spoiler the movie (lucky for you if you haven't read the book). All I'm gonna say is: W O W. Yet again, what an incredible movie. I'm deffo going to watch it again although I didn't like the ending at all. Probs because it was the end and we now have got to wait another year for Part 2 :(

Oh btw, I found out that the DVD release is somewhen in March 2015. Already set a countdown on my phone for this haha


// Happiness in a box

Hey there,

first of all, I'm sorry for not being active the past few weeks but I spent my holidays at my grandma's and she doesn't have WIFI or even a computer and I didn't want to post from my iPhone because... yea, I prefer blogging via laptop :) But I took some pics there and I'll post something about my holidays as soon as possible

Anyway, if you're following my Instagram you probably know what this post will be about.
And yes, it will also be in German (makes sense as I'm from Germany) but not in an extra post but always right below the English stuff.

Time to start :D

I spent way too much time on YouTube lately and I was watching hauls and things like that and a lot of videos were "Pink Box Unboxing" ones. I knew that there were boxes like the Pink Box and Glossy Box before but I wasn't sure if I should try them or nah.
Well, you'll see I decided to order Pink Boxes and this will be about the October and November Pink Boxes :)
I bought them by subscription and they cost about 14€ each month but they're totally worth it. Plus, if someone invites you, you'll only pay 9€ for your first box. So if you want to try them, feel free to send me your email address and your name and I'll invite you.

Nachdem ich viel zu viel Zeit auf Youtube verbracht hab, mit Hauls, Beautykram und all diesem Mädchenzeugs, bin ich auf eine Menge Pink Box Unboxing Videos gestoßen. Klar hab ich schon vor einer ganzen Weile von Dingen wie der Pink und der Glossy Box gehört, aber ich war mir nie so sicher ob sich das für mich lohnen würde oder eher nicht.
Relativ schnell hab ich mich dann dazu entschlossen, einfach mal die Pink Box zu probieren und euch meinen Eindruck zur Oktober und November Box einfach zu beschreiben.
Ich hab mir gleich das Abo zugelegt, ihr könnt aber auch einfach einmalig bestellen. Die Pink Box kostet pro Monat ca. 14€, sie sind aber auch das Geld wert, jedenfalls seh ich das so. Allerdings hab ich mir für die erste Box eine Einladung schicken lassen und nur 9€ bezahlt :D Wer das auch gern so machen würde, kann mir ruhig seine Email Adresse und Vornamen geben und ich lade euch schnellstmöglich ein.

Pink Box 10/14

Each Pink Box contains 5 beauty products which are either originals or custom sizes. Talking about my October Box 4/5 were original size :) 

In jeder Pink Box sind 5 Beautyprodukte, die entweder Original- oder Sondergrößen sind. In meiner Oktober Box waren 4/5 Originale :)


The "So Susan - Flutter Mascara" is by far the most expensive product as it costs about 18€ but I've got to say I'm not really impressed. I love mascaras, I have like a ton of different mascaras and I thought it's going to be a lot better than the ones I'm using (I'm a Maybelline lover haha) and it's said that "The long brush with extra stiff bristles helps to achieve voluminous, multi-dimensional lashes in just one coat." (seen on the So Susan website) but no, it doesn't help, or it doesn't help me, at least. I will use it, but I wouldn't buy it myself again.

Der "So Susan - Flutter Mascara" ist bei weitem das teuerste Produkt meiner Oktober Box gewesen. Allerdings muss ich gestehen, dass ich für die 18€, die dieser Mascara eigentlich kostet, mehr erwartet hätte. Laut der Website verleiht er voluminöse Wimpern und die Bürste trenne angeblich die Wimpern. Naja, war bei mir nicht der Fall. Ich meine, dass ein Mascara meine Wimpern nicht trennt, ist mir klar, dar ich eine Menge davon hab, aber ich dachte, dass dieses Produkt magisch wirken würde :D Hat es nicht, ich werde sie benutzen, sobald meine geliebten Maybelline Mascaras leer sind, aber ich werde mir diesen Mascara nicht selbst kaufen.

Another product was the Bee Beauty face cream. 75ml cost 7,99€ and I've got to admit I really liked this product. It has a pleasant smell and worked really well on my skin (you should know my skin is probably the worst one ever), it didn't cause new blemishes like other products sometimes do and yea. That's pretty much it. I won't stop using my bebe more cream because these are heaven for my skin but I'd totally recommend this product :)

Ein weiteres Produkt meiner Box war die Sensitive Gesichtscreme von Bee Beauty, die ihr in einer Größe von 75ml für 7,99€ bekommen könnt. Ich fand bzw finde den Geruch wirklich angenehm und sie hat meiner Haut wirklich gut getan, was wirklich nicht oft der Fall ist, da meine Haut zeitweise einfach schrecklich ist. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Produkte hat diese Creme auch keine weiteren Unreinheiten begünstigt. Als Fan der bebe more Cremes werde ich sie trotzdem weiter benutzen, aber dennoch würde ich jedem dieses Bee Beauty Produkt empfehlen :)

The other three products were a 15ml Dove conditioner (1,29€) which I probably won't use because I know a good DIY conditioner, a custom size Garnier Miracle Skin Cream (which I really wanna try and if it's good I'll deffo get the original cream as well. I know I'm only 20 but I really don't want wrinkles :( ) and an Elle Exception nailpolish in Pink Metallic (3,99€/7ml) . I'm not a fan of pink on my nails, I prefer pastel colours, blue or even black, but I will try this one and write a review afterwards :)

Die letzten 3 Produkte waren eine Dove Haarkur (15ml/1,29€) die ich höchstwahrscheinlich nicht nutzen werde, da ich eine super Selfmade-Kur kenne, eine Probegröße der Miracle Skin Cream von Garnier (die ich unbedingt probieren möchte und wenn sie mich überzeugt, werde ich mir die auch in groß zulegen. Jaja, ich bin gerade erst 20, aber wer möchte schon Falten? Und auch wenn Guido gesagt hat, dass eine Frau Mitte 20 ohne Fältchen an den Augen keinen Spaß hat, möchte ich sie nicht :D An den Augen, okay, ganz klein, aber nicht im restlichen Gesicht.) und ein Nagellack von Elle Exception in 24 Pink Metallic. Ich mag Pink auf meinen Nägeln so gar nicht, lieber Pastellfarben, blau oder schwarz, aber kein pink :D Ausprobieren werde ich ihn dennoch und euch davon berichten :)

Pink Box 11/14

I'M IN LOVE WITH THIS BOX! 4/5 originals, 4/5 products I'm deffo going to use. I'd use 5/5 but I'm not a man :(

ICH LIEBE DIESE BOX SO! 4/5 Originalproukte, 4/5 die ich auf jeden Fall nutzen werde. Ich würde gern alle 5 benutzen, aber ich bin (in diesem Fall "leider") kein Kerl :(

The 1st product is the one I won't (and can't :c) use. But the "L'Oréal Paris - Studio Line #TXT Wave Gum" (4,99€/75ml) smells heavenly, I have no idea what exactly it smells like but it's awesome. It's a product for men and you can use it to style your curls and quiffs. 
I'm thinking about using it whenever I'm curling my hair the next time, just to see if women can use it as well.

Das erste Produkt ist das, welches ich nicht nutzen werde (und leider auch nicht kann :c). "L'Oréal Paris - Studio Line #TXT Wave Gum" riecht extrem gut, das glaubt ihr nicht. Ich hab keine Ahnung, wie ich den Geruch beschreiben soll, und ich denke mal, das ist auch nicht für jeden angenehm, aber ich find ihn toll haha :D Benutzen kann man diesen Gum zum Texturieren von Locken und Quiffs. Um ehrlich zu sein, werde ich das Zeug wahrscheinlich trotzdem mal benutzen, wenn ich meine Haare mal locken sollte. Einfach zum gucken ob wir das auch nutzen können :D

Next thing is a face mask and as I already said my skin sucks. But I'm a huge fan of face masks and I can't wait to try this one. Maybe it'll make it worse, maybe better. I'll see haha :)"Luvos-Heilerde - Luvos Vital Maske mit Quittenextrakt" (1,25€/2 x 7,5ml)

Das nächste Produkt ist die Maske von Luvos "Luvos Vital Maske mit Quittenextrakt" (1,25€/2 x 7,5ml). Wie schon weiter oben gesagt, ist meine Haut recht schlecht, aber trotzdem liebe ich Gesichtsmasken. Ich freu mich schon, diese auszuprobieren und vielleicht hilft sie ja? Wer weiß :)

"Garnier Fructis - Prachtauffüller Üppige Mähne" (4,95€/200ml) is something like a texturizing hair spray. I haven't tried it yet but I can tell ya, once again, I love it's scent haha I was looking for it on Garnier UK but I think it's not available there and that's why I don't know the name you guys should look for, I'm sorry :(

Was Düfte angeht war diese Pink Box ein Erfolg. Der Geruch des "Garnier Fructis - Prachtauffüller Üppige Mähne" (4,95€/200ml) ist einfach nur mega. Ich hab ihn derzeit noch nicht benutzt aber werde es in den nächsten Tagen definitiv und werde auch darüber berichten :)

The 4th product has to be my fave. It's a The Body Shop Coconut Milk Body Lotion. It's a custom size but that's okay. Usually, I'm not a fan of coconut scented things but as this is my first ever Body Shop product, I decided to give it a try and I don't regret it.The smell is pleasant and it moisturizes your skin really well. I'll deffo get the original size as well as soon as I'm somewhere near The Body Shop.

Das 4. Produkt ist sowas von mein Liebling dieser Box. Die Kokosnuss Bodylotion von The Body Shop in einer Sondergröße. Ich bin eigentlich gar kein Fan von Kokosnuss (auch wenn ich von Dingen wie Kokosöl begeistert bin), allerdings gefällt mir diese Lotion schon extrem und der Geruch ist alles andere als aufdringlich. Ich werd mir definitiv die Originalgröße davon zulegen, sobald ich mal die Gelegenheit dazu habe.

Last but not least: the Jelly Pong Pong 2 in 1 Shadow Liner (12,95€/2,8g), a pencil that can be used as an eyeliner as well as an eyeshadow. It has a nice, shimmery brown colour and as I'm a fan of smokey eyes in brown colours, I will use it as soon as possible.

Das letzte Produkt ist der Jelly Pong Pong 2 in 1 Shadow Liner (12,95€/2,8g), ein Stift der sowohl als Eyeliner als auch als Lidschatten benutzt werden. Die Farbe ist ein angenehmes, schimmerndes Braun und da ich es liebe, Smokey Eyes in Brauntönen zu schminken, wird dieser Stift ziemlich bald zum ersten Mal eingesetzt werden :)

If you're reading this: well done, you've successfully made it through 2 Pink Boxes :D
I'm looking forward to the December one tbh. Remember: If you want to try them and you're from Germany: gimme your Email and first name and I'll invite you :)

Bye then x


// I love shopping... And SURPRISES!

Hey guys :)

What's the best thing to do on a cold and rainy day?
Yea, you're right: it's the perfect time for going shopping. And that's pretty much what I did today.

In the following, I want to show you the few things I bought in a lot of pictures, tell you the prices, where I bought it and, well if I find it online, I'll give you the links :)

Gotta be honest, guys, I only bought three things today, found them all at H&M but I'm so deeply in love with all these things haha

First thing I bought was a knitted white jumper, it's simple yet fab. I've been looking for a jumper like that for quite a while now but I never found one I liked until I saw this one today.
It's not too soft and I bought it a bit oversized because I'll combine it with a flannel.
I have no idea why but I just love combining jumpers with flannel shirts. I'm so on love with those collars haha :D

Next thing was the checked flannel shirt, like I said, I'll combine it with jumpers most of the time, but if I feel like wearing it on its own or combined with another shirt, I'll do that :)

Last but not least, I bought a shirt with an immature print on it. Kind of immature. But I really wanted that jersey, so why not? Unfortunately, I can't find it online, so no links this time :(

And as if these pictures weren't enough, I surprisingly got the clothes I ordered on sheinside.com 
Wanna know a secret, guys? Sheinside.com is like my fave onlineshop ever yet this was the first time I ordered something as I only recently got my paypal working. I thought I'll receive the parcel somewhen in November or December but no, I got it today just when I came home and I'm just so happy.
Again, I'll give you the links right below the pictures :)

So, I got this beautiful denim jacket and it's soo f*cking comfortable. Easily one of the best purchases ever. Also, I got it while it was in the sale section (pssshht: it still is :) ) for 26,50€ 21,58€

I bought a jumper as well. I just had to. Judge me if you want, but I fell in love with this one in the blink of an eye. Paid 14,82€ 10,92€. The only thing I don't like about the actual product is, that if you look close, the pictures are a bit blurry. But oh well, I don't really mind :)

So guess what? If you're reading this, you successfully made it through a lot of pictures haha :) What's your favourite piece of clothing? Personally, I don't know at all, but probably my Jack Wills and Victoria's Secret Hoodies :)