Hey guys :)
So seems like I'm re-starting my blog as I don't have enough time for YouTube. But writing is just as fun as filming eventhough I know people are too lazy to read nowadays. That's sad tbh :/
Well as I've never introduced myself, neither on YouTube nor on here, this will be my first post. yay :D
I think I should start now...
1. My name's Stefanie
2. I'm 20 years old but I look like 14 or 15
3. Photography and drawing are my passions
4. I spend most of my free time watching shows like The Big Bang Theory, Supernatural, Dr House...
5. My fave German musician followed me on Twitter and it was one of the best days ever
6. I don't like today's music that's why I was surprised that I ended up in the 5SOSfam and the Directioner fandom haha :D
7. I really wanna teach History one day
8. I've got an older brother
9. This is hard
10. I want Sheldon Cooper to be my best friend :c
That's it.
This blog will be some kind of a diary, idk how to describe it. It will be a mix of fashion, photography, food and things that happened to me during the week.
I'll post at least once a week, so this will be a lot easier than filming new videos during school weeks. See you in the next post xx
Punkt 2 trifft auch auf mich zu :D Vor einem Jahr (da war ich 18) und war zu der Konfirmation meines Cousins, und die dort glaubten echt ich sein 14 und gehöre auch zu den Konfirmationskindern dazu :D
AntwortenLöschenJetzt machen wir uns drüber lustig oder regen uns drüber auf, aber wenn wir 40 sind und aussehen wie Anfang 30 werden wir es lieben :D Das Lustigste was mir mit diesem geschätzten Alter passiert ist war letztes Jahr im Krankenhaus als die Krankenschwester zu mir meinte, meine Mutter soll was unterschreiben, da ich ja noch keine 14 bin :D