
// Top 3: January Faves

Hello Internet people,

I'm sorry for not posting during the past week but I felt ill from Monday to Friday, mostly because almost everyone at school is sick and they're coughing the whole time and I'm just vulnerable to diseases but I only caught a cold so "yay" haha

As January is finally over, I decided to tell you guys which 3 things helped me surviving a month of snow, rain and ew-weather in general in a very short post.

The first thing was a fluffy light blue scarf I bought at H&M for about 15€ (didn't find it on hm.com I'm sorry :().
It has to be my fave scarf ever as it kept me warm everyday and it's still fluffy after taking it out of the washing machine haha :D 

The other two products are my beloved eos lip balms: summer fruit and sweet mint.
Both of them are really moisturizing and their taste is awesome just like their scent. Sweet mint tastes like After Eight somehow and I L O V E After Eight haha 


// "Jackpot January"-Pinkbox

Happy New Year!
I know, I'm late but I've been very busy lately and I just didn't have enough time for blogging.
Which means I've got a lot of things to blog about now haha :)

My first post in 2015 will be about my January Pinkbox. This will be my last pinkbox review for a while as I discontinued my subscription because I need to save some money for my trip to Glasgow in March.

If you've read my review about my December Pinkbox, you know I didn't like it at all. And I'm relieved to say: The latest Pinkbox made up for the disappointment last month.

First 2/5 products are body lotions. One of them is an in-shower body moisturiser which I haven't tried yet because I always forget taking it with me when I go downstairs for taking a shower. But I'm in love with it's scent haha :D
The other one is treaclemoon's "My Coconut Island". I already said this when I had a coconut body lotion in an earlier box: I don't like coconut-scented stuff. The one I got from The Body Shop was surprisingly awesome but this one just isn't my cup of tea... It's too sweet and nah... but it's a 500ml bottle and idk what to do with it :(  | Treaclemoon - My Coconut Island about 4€/500ml  Balea - In-shower body lotion 2,45€/400ml

Die ersten 2 der 5 Produkte waren Bodylotions. Eine davon ist ähnlich der Nivea In-Dusch Lotion, nur von Balea. Getestet hab ich sie noch nicht, da ich sie immer in meinem Zimmer vergesse wenn ich zum Duschen ins Bad gehe. Aber allein vom Duft her ist sie empfehlenswert :D
Die zweite ist eine große Flasche My Coconut Island von treaclemoon. Ich hab's schon mal gesagt und ich sag es ein weiteres Mal: Kokosnuss ist grenzwertig in Kosmetikprodukten. Entweder man mag es oder nicht, ich mag es leider gar nicht. Die Lotion von The Body Shop hat mir überraschenderweise sehr gut gefallen aber die treaclemoon Version ist meiner Meinung nach zu süß und aufdringlich. Da es aber die große 500ml Version ist, weiß ich absolut nicht was ich damit anstellen soll ;/ | Treaclemoon - My Coconut Island about 4€/500ml  Balea - In-shower body lotion 2,45€/400ml

I have no idea what to say about toothpaste, to be honest :D
I know I wanted to try this one for a while but it was a bit too expensive for me so yeah. Looking forward to this one :D | Sensodyne - 4,99€/100ml

Was soll man über Zahnpasta sagen? :D Kann nicht schädlich sein, immer noch ne neue Tube zuhause zu haben. Und diese wollte ich eh mal testen, aber der Preis war mir immer ein bisschen zu happig. | Sensodyne - 4,99ml/100ml

Last but not least, I found a NYC lipgloss in my box. It's such a lovely colour. I have no idea why but when it comes to lipgloss I prefer brownish colours and this one is perfect + really moisturising. | NYC Extreme Lip Glider Lipgloss - 5,50€

Als letztes Produkt hab ich einen NYC lipgloss gefunden. Die Farbe ist perfekt, da ich in Sachen Lipgloss immer eher auf bräunliche Farben stehe. Zudem spendet das Gloss auch noch Feuchtigkeit. Meiner Meinung nach ein Topprodukt :) | NYC Extreme Lip Glider Lipgloss - 5,50€

Oh, seems like I forgot one of the products.
It's a hand cream and it has to be my fave product this month. I love the scent and it's so moisturising. | HBC - Natura Aloe Vera Handcreme - 5,95€/75ml

Asche auf mein Haupt, ich hab ein Produkt vergessen. Eine Handcreme, die definitiv mein Lieblingsprodukt ist. Der Geruch ist mega angenehm und sie spendet viel Feuchtigkeit. Perfektes Produkt für diese Jahreszeit. | HBC - Natura Aloe Vera Handcreme - 5,95€/75ml
