
// Top 3: January Faves

Hello Internet people,

I'm sorry for not posting during the past week but I felt ill from Monday to Friday, mostly because almost everyone at school is sick and they're coughing the whole time and I'm just vulnerable to diseases but I only caught a cold so "yay" haha

As January is finally over, I decided to tell you guys which 3 things helped me surviving a month of snow, rain and ew-weather in general in a very short post.

The first thing was a fluffy light blue scarf I bought at H&M for about 15€ (didn't find it on hm.com I'm sorry :().
It has to be my fave scarf ever as it kept me warm everyday and it's still fluffy after taking it out of the washing machine haha :D 

The other two products are my beloved eos lip balms: summer fruit and sweet mint.
Both of them are really moisturizing and their taste is awesome just like their scent. Sweet mint tastes like After Eight somehow and I L O V E After Eight haha 

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