
// Introducing: Lifehacks! #1 Better skin

Hey Internet!

Yea, I'm still alive.
And I've got to apologize for not posting for weeks but school just took over my life. 
Anyway, I'm on summer holidays now which means enough time for blogging! YAY!

During the last few weeks of school I tried to think of new ideas what I could blog about besides hauls and reviews and I came up with some lifehacks.
They'll mostly be about healthy snacks but the first one will be different.

As you may know (and as I already said that multiple times), my skin simply sucks and is extremely sensitive. Having clear skin is something I've dreamed of for years.
Of course, you could say "Then why didn't you go see the dermatologist" but I'd answer "Because I'm insecure about my skin." 
I know I shouldn't be and I know that dermatologists deal with problems which are worse than my pimples and blackheads... But you know...

Anyway, I've found something which really helped me and I want to tell you guys.
First of all: I'm NOT a dermatologist. 
And I'm not sure if these things will work for you as well. 

Products I used:

The Body Shop Olive Cream Body Scrub

Yes, it's not explicitly for your face and it could be too irritating for your skin, that's what I thought as mine is sensitive af but it somehow worked for me haha
Just don't be too harsh while rubbing it onto your face :)

Balea Soft & Clear night moisturizer 

This creme contains zinc and salizylic acid, it mainly reduces facial redness.

In addition to these products you should focus on your eating behaviour.
I'm currently trying to cut short on sweets (had some chocolate today tho because it's my birthday haha) and fast food and I think it helped a lot eventhough I didn't change it because of my skin but because I felt like all that stuff made me sick (which it actually did).

So remember: eat healthy and drink lots of water, try The Body Shop body scrub and a moisturizer with a bit of salizylic acid and zinc.


1 Kommentar:

  1. Hey, cooler Post! Macht richtig Spaß ihn zu lesen.
    Ich folge dir jetzt. Wäre wirklich schön, wenn du mir auch folgen würdest :)
    Alles Liebe

